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Uncharted Territory

I just found this post from September 2, 2011 still sitting here as a draft. A year and a half later and it's still a good reminder. I'm sitting here with about three and a half days left until I ship out for basic training for the United States Air Force. It's crazy to think that it's so soon! It's been a little while since I've been thrown into a completely new season and it's exciting and scary at the same time. I've had some experience with this in the past when my family moved to Kansas from Houston, when we moved back to Houston from Kansas, when I started college at a junior college nearby, when I went off to college at Kansas State and when I came back home after graduating from college wondering if I would ever find a job. All of those situations were definitely challenging to different degrees and the transition from one place to the next was different each time. I had similar feelings of excitement and nervousness back then as I do now,

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